Continuity exercise

Our film starts off with a following shot of Matt, playing football doing various skills such as a stopover. He then beats the defender, however, the defender, me, gets a bit rowdy that he has been dribbled past. The defender takes down the player with the ball and gives away a free kick. We then get a slow motion shot of of the defender taking the player with the ball down. This allows the viewer to reflect on how severe the tackle was.

We then did a hard cut to a POV shot of the player putting down the ball on the ground for a free kick. This immerses the viewer and makes them feel like they are the character taking the free kick. We then hard cut to a over-the-shoulder shot of the player taking the free kick, giving us a overview of the goal. In the cut the defender is trying to make a wall to block the ball from going in, with the keeper directing him where to go. We then hard cut to a shot of the ball, slowly panning up towards the free-kick takers face, where he is nobly looking towards the goal, as if he aims to shoot the ball into the goal. We then hard cut to a pan shot around the players face where he is looking towards the goal. This then cuts to a following shot of the players leg, running towards the football, then proceeding to kick it. We then get a POV shot of the football going into the goal then dropping to the floor. During this POV shot we see a shot of my face looking as the ball flies past my face and a shot of ben Richardson diving towards the ball attempting to stop it going into the goal.


This tabletop opening sequence to a movie was about a man who was attempting to kill someone. It starts by doing a pan over a piece of a news article from the newspaper. This shows a picture of three men, all with squares drawn around their face in red pen. This could reflect on how the man wants to kill them through the red coloured ink, implying the blood. Below these squares are the three men's alias. Below the alias' there is a short brief telling the owner of this newspaper article which person he needs to kill. 

The camera then pans to the man's hand opening a briefcase, in which we see a gun, a passport and a large sum of American dollars. This could connote that the person is travelling to America, from the American money he has in his briefcase, and the passport implies he's leaving the country. The gun really lets the cat out of the bag if it wasn't apparent enough that he was going to kill someone from the newspaper article. 

The camera then pans to a deck of cards, which the man spreads out on the table, and by coincidence the combination AK47 is the outliers of the deck and is what is seen by the camera. This gives an even stronger sense of death to the short film as an AK47 is a machine gun. The camera then pans to the final part of the opening sequence, a display of drugs, most likely cocaine, spread out into 4 lines, with a rolled up note next to it. This gives the viewer a sense of worry, as they are lead to think that this man is mentally crazed, and that he is not in his right mind to be attempting to kill someone right then. 



Tenet's marketing has been clever. One way they have marketed the movie is through a series of media adverts. They have advertised these on Youtube, on videos that are action-packed. They do this by selecting to advertise under videos that have been categorised as "action". This was the main Youtube advertising however, a small amount of adverts on other categories, just so that they are covering all bases, however, still mainly targeting the right group of people. 

Another series of adverts they published was their Instagram adverts. These posts showed the most exciting parts of the film, collated into a one minute video so it is able to be posted on Instagram. They also named the best known actors on the video, so that if people see these actors being named in the video, they may recognise them and watch the film as a result of this.

The Tenet Website also revealed different posters as they released. These posters had "easter eggs" on them. Easter eggs are small reveals about the film that gives the viewer a slight secret of the film early. These can be effective as they are build up the hype of the movie, and ropes in viewers through social media posts from third party viewers of these "Easter eggs". 

The Twitter page just widened their social media horizons, and generally did the same purpose as the Instagram page. 

Tenet also put John David Washington (Tenet's star actor) on the front of "Entertainment" magazine. This appealed to an even wider audience, and really meant they stood out of any movie. 

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Samuel de Bruin candidate number: 1815 Claremont Fan Court School 64680 Welcome to my blog! My production team included Matthew Heyns, Finle...