We filmed the majority of our filming on the 1st of July 2021. We had the whole summer to work on it but we wanted to get the filming done with so we could spend a long time editing the clips and making sure our film opening was up to scratch.

The filming we did included filming the introduction of Herbert Crafts and Kieran Tucker. We started with filming me, playing Herbert Crafts, in Matthew Heyns' house. The purpose of these shots were to convey to the viewer that I was a rich and successful businessman with a large house and admirable cars. This painted the picture that I was arrogant and had a lack of perspective for those worse off than I. Then, when filming Finn, playing Kieran Tucker, we shot his scenes on the driveway in front of my house, making it out as if he is sleeping on it. This makes it seem as if Kieran Tucker is part of the working class and has just woken up after a big night out on a random person's driveway. This creates a visible disparity between Kieran Tucker and Herbert Crafts and allowing the viewer to relate each character to other characters like them who they may have seen in film or even apply our characters to people they know in real life. This enhances the overall viewing experience.


Changes by Sam de Bruin

Welcome Moderator

Samuel de Bruin candidate number: 1815 Claremont Fan Court School 64680 Welcome to my blog! My production team included Matthew Heyns, Finle...